
Besides the best product, you also have the most economic freight.


About the transportation, Calpar counts on Calpar-Cargo, which operates the material delivery sector and is responsible for quotations, seeking the best freight to our customers. Since 2007, Calpar expanded even more its logistic area, and now has a railroad terminal working with a flow capacity of 400 thousand tons/year.

C.O.L.T. (Calpar On-Line Carriers) is a unique, computerized and an exclusive service, in which customers may adjust the freight prices at any time, according to the market demand. Calpar makes the logistic consulting free of cost and free of profit, acting as a linkage among producer and dozens of carriers.

Calpar just need to be informed about the quantity of product to be loaded that the freight is immediately quoted with approximately the 30 best expert companies in limestone transportation.
In case the producer wish to have a scheduled delivery, this information is passed over to the carrier offices that will deliver the material according to customer´s necessity.


At Calpar "Stock Freights", producer can decide between two transportation methods:

1. Choosing the carrier of preference;

2. Using lots of carriers at the same time, that ensuring a quick delivery.


Calpar's Limestone.
Deal a business that will
multiply your profit.

© 2020 - All Rights Reserved
Calpar Comércio de Calcário Ltda.
Website by Weiss Film & Design
Pictures: Calpar Archive
Address: Termas Riviera Park, Road PR 151 - Km 290.5
PO Box 73 – Zip Code: 84165-700 - Castro - Paraná
Phone: +55 (42) 3232-8700